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Aprilaire 500
Aprilaire Model 500 PDF BROCHURE

The Aprilaire Model 500 Humidifier is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control. The Model 500 is installed in your central heating and cooling system ductwork by a local HVAC professional.

  • Built-in bypass damper, which means fewer parts to install
  • Truly automatic control, but it can also be installed in manual mode
  • Delivers optimum levels of humidity control with the Automatic Digital Humidifier Control
  • Provides vital service, temperature and relative humidity indicators in manual mode as well
  • Humidifies tightly constructed homes up to 3,000 square foot in size
  • Performs quietly with simple annual maintenance
  • Comes equipped with a drain to flush minerals from the unit
  • Incorporates easy right or left discharge change-over
  • Has an evaporation capacity of 0.50 gallons per hour

Aprilaire 600
Aprilaire Model 600 PDF BROCHURE

The Aprilaire Model 600 Humidifier is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control. The Model 600 uses the furnace blower to move air through a Water Panel®. It is installed by a local HVAC professional.

  • Built-in bypass damper, which means fewer parts to install
  • Delivers up to 50% more moisture than competitive units
  • Evaporation capacity of 0.70 gallons per hour
  • Humidifies tightly constructed homes up to 4,000 square feet in size
  • Delivers optimum levels of humidity control with the Automatic Digital Humidifier Control
  • You never have to monitor your settings or wait until you feel uncomfortable
  • Performs quietly with simple annual maintenance
  • Incorporates easy right or left discharge change-over

Aprilaire 700
Aprilaire Model 700 PDF BROCHURE

The Aprilaire Model 700 Humidifier is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control. The Model 700 uses a built-in fan that pulls heated air directly from the furnace. It is installed by a local HVAC professional.

  • Evaporation capacity of 0.75 gallons per hour—among the highest capacity humidifiers sold
  • Humidifies tightly constructed homes up to 4,200 square foot in size
  • Features truly automatic control
  • Delivers optimum levels of humidity control with the Automatic Digital Humidifier Control
  • Provides vital service, temperature and relative humidity indicators in manual mode as well
  • Performs quietly with simple annual maintenance
  • You never have to monitor your settings or wait until you feel uncomfortable

Aprilaire 800
Aprilaire Model 800 PDF BROCHURE

The Aprilaire Model 800 Humidifier is a steam humidifier designed for home applications where evaporative units are less practical.

The Aprilaire Model 800 Humidifier is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort through humidity control. As a steam model, the 865 complements non-forced air heating sources and other specialty heating systems. It is installed by a local HVAC professional.

  • Accommodates crawl spaces, attics and areas of the country with milder winters and non-forced air heating
  • Provides humidity to the largest of homes (up to 6,200 square feet)
  • Features truly automatic control but can be installed in manual mode as well
  • Runs independently of your HVAC system to accommodate larger homes (up to 6,200 square feet)
  • Delivers optimum levels of humidity control with the Automatic Digital Humidifier Control
  • Performs quietly and with simple maintenance. You only need to replace the canister
  • Has a capacity of 11.5, 16.0, 20.5, 23.3, and 34.6 gallons per day, depending on electrical draw
  • Uses cold water, which may be hard, soft or softened

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